There is a story here about thin-sliced cheese versus thick-sliced cheese, but it is not the story presently being told.
John C. Bunnell
It’s been a quiet year – mostly – here in Darkest Suburbia, though not without its complications. At any rate, the current ongoing drama in the...
It’s Tuesday night; your narrator has just stepped out the door on the way to the bus stop, so as to catch the last bus to...
NOTE: In the interests of protecting the privacy of the individuals and institutions involved, I’ve changed the names and a couple of personally identifying details in...
No, I have not been eaten by a grue. In fact, life here in Darkest Suburbia may finally be settling down somewhat (I can actually see...
It’s time to venture once again from Darkest Suburbia to the spectacle that is OryCon. This year’s schedule has a unique wrinkle: I’ve been tagged as...
,,,northbound pedestrians get a very short WALK signal at the same time that southbound cars making left turns get a green light.
And lo, when I woke up this morning, there was snow on the ground…sort of. Some had already melted in the parking areas, leaving maybe half...
I had been planning to see Black Panther today (Tuesday being discount day at the two multiplexes closest to me), but have not yet set foot...